Pilot restraint harness
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This part is included in assemblies:
Content assembly:
Pilot restraint harness - fixing point (floor 12mm, 15mm)
For sharp bottom edge basket size: K13, K14, K17, K19, K19L, K22, K23, K25P, K28Y, K28T, K32Y, K32T
For round bottom edge basket size: K10, K11, K12, K15, K16, K18
Pilot restraint harness - fixing point (floor 21mm)
For basket size: K32TT, K40Y, K40T, K50Y, K50T, K55X, K60, K70, K80, K85, K90, K100, K110
Hanging line with ring
For pilots compartment equipment and for placement of pilot restraint harness, whem it is not used.
To be offered/pc
Pilot restraint harness belt
To be offered/pc
Pilot restraint harness loadtape between floor and belt
To be offered/pc